
How Do I Insert A Checkbox In Excel

Insertions of checkboxes in Excel may sound you like a petty chore. But exercise you take any idea that using this checkboxes; will make your work easier with the worksheets. Equally, this will ultimately help you in keeping rails over your goals, schedules, assignments etc. in a well-arranged way.

Checkboxes and other controls like drop downs, wait quite impressive in Excel and can be quite helpful while designing forms in MS Excel.  These decision-making options prevent users from entering some unwanted data in your forms and hence they are preferred to traditional text boxes.

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to insert a checkbox in Excel and utilizes the checkbox results in formulas to create an interactive checklist, to-do list, study or graph.

How To Insert Checkbox In Excel

in this section y'all will learn the complete steps to insert checkbox in Excel 2010/2013/2016/2019 worksheet.

Merely like other Excel form controls, checkbox control exists on the Developer tab. This tab won't announced on the Excel ribbon anywhere. And then firstly y'all have to plough this on.

1. Bear witness the Developer tab on the Ribbon

Here is the stride to add Developer Tab into the Excel Ribbon.

Make a right click anywhere over the ribbon. After then tap to Customize the Ribbon pick… Or, you can become to the File > Options >Customize Ribbon .

Within the Customize the Ribbon, you lot need to cull Main Tabs (by default information technology is selected), make a check sign over the Programmer box, and hit the OK option.


After getting the Developer tab within your Excel ribbon. You will get easy access to most of the interactive controls like CheckBox.

2. Organize the Data

While making an excel checklist, the very thing you need to practise is to brand a listing of items or tasks for which you lot are putting the checkboxes.

Suppose, you have created a checklist for party planning:

excel checklist data e2

iii. Add a checkbox

Now the preparation time is over so let's movement on to the adjacent important part i.east calculation checkboxes to in a higher place create party planning list:

Here are the following steps to add checkboxes in excel.

  • Get to the Developer tab> Controls group. Tap to the Insert option and choose the CheckBox under Course Controls.

insert checkbox excel e3

  • Tap to the cell in which you want to insert your first checkbox. After then you will come across Checkbox command will present near it, non exactly in that prison cell.

checkbox added excel e4

  • To go on the checkboxes in the proper position, put your mouse pointer over information technology. And equally the pointer gets changed to four-pointed pointer shape, drag downwardly the checkbox wherever you want to keep information technology.


  • For removing off the text "Check Box one" from the checkbox. Make a correct click over the checkbox. Just select the text and erase it.

excel checkbox remove text e6

Or, you have to right click on the checkbox, tap to the Edit Text option and later on then delete the text.

So now your first checkbox is prepare, so just re-create it down to other cells.

4. Copy the Checkbox to other Cells

Cull cells having the checkboxes using pointer keys of your keyboard and place the cursor over the lower right corner of the cell.  When mouse arrow changes to thick black cross shape then drag it to the place wherever you want to copy the checkbox.

copy checkbox excel e7

 Now the checkboxes are well added to all items present in the checklist.

excel checkboxes added e8

You lot must be thinking that Excel checklist is now ready to get used but actually information technology's non. You tin make check or uncheck by clicking to the box but Excel not respond to these changes as no cells are linked to any checkboxes even so.

Then in our next section of this tutorial, we will larn about how to link a checkbox to a prison cell.

How To Create An Interactive Checklist In Excel

Well you tin can brand an interactive checklist in Excel 2010/2013/2016/2019 spreadsheet just by linking your checkbox to the prison cell. So, let's know how to create an interactive checklist in Excel.

Every bit already mentioned, to be able to capture the checkbox state (checked or unchecked) y'all need to acquaintance the checkbox with a certain prison cell. To practice this, please follow these steps:

  • Brand a right click over the checkbox. Later on then tap to the Format Control option.

Right click the checkbox, and then click Format Control.

  •  In the opened Format Control dialog box, make a switch to the Control tab. Tap to the prison cell link box and choose the empty prison cell over the sheet of which you need to link to the checkbox.  OR simply you can type the cell reference manually.

Link a checkbox to a cell.

  • In the same fashion, repeat the same steps for remaining checkboxes.

Notation:  for like shooting fish in a barrel identification of the linked cells, only select them in an adjacent column which is empty.  In this way, you will exist able to hide the linked cells, and then it won't exercise whatsoever kind of mess up in your worksheet.

In the linked cells, TRUE appears for selected checkboxes, and FALSE for cleared checkboxes.

  • Tap to each link of linked checkboxes. In linked cells, yous will meet True appear for the chosen checkboxes and imitation for cleared checkboxes.

How To Delete A Checkbox In Excel

You can delete a checkbox by using these two ways.

First method:

  • Select a checkbox and press delete. This one is a fast method to do that.
  • And if you have more than one checkboxes in your worksheet:
  • Select all the checkboxes by property the control key.
  • And press deletes to delete them all.

delete when you insert a checkbox in excel 12

2d method:

  • Use selection pane to delete them.
  • Go to home tab→ Editing → Find & Select → Option Pane.
  • In selection pane, you volition get the list of all the checkboxes yous have used in your worksheet.
  • You lot can select each of them one past one or y'all can select more than i past i using the control key. Once you select them, printing delete.

insert checkbox in excel use selection pane in-excel e13

Wrap upward:

Promise later on reading the article, you know how to insert a checkbox in Excel and create an interactive checklist, to-do list and study easily. So make apply of it.

Well, if in case your Excel workbook gets corrupted or start showing errors then run the Excel Repair Tool. It will help you to repair corrupt, damaged, Excel file and as well as recover Excel file data easily.

If you are having any query or additional information then please share it with us, by going to comment section of this blog.


 How To Insert Checkbox In Excel 2010/2013/2016/2019

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How To Insert Checkbox In Excel 2010/2013/2016/2019


Get the complete information on how to insert checkbox in Excel, creating an interactive checklist and how to delete a checkbox in Excel.


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Repair MS Excel Blogs

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Margret Arthur is an entrepreneur & content marketing expert. She writes tech blogs and expertise on MS Office, Excel, and other tech subjects. Her distinctive art of presenting tech information in easy to understand linguistic communication is very impressive. When non writing, she loves unplanned travels.


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