
How To Perform A Chi Square Test In Excel

Lookout the video on how to calculate a chi square p value in Excel.

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P-values are used in hypothesis testing to assist you figure out if your results are significant or non. A significant event is one where yous reject the goose egg hypothesis. In hypothesis testing, you're really asking two questions:

  • What do the results tell me near a population?
  • What is the strength of those results?

A p-value is a number between 0 and ane, merely it'south easier to think about them as percentages (i.e. a p-value of 0.05 is 5%). Small p-values (generally under 5%) usually atomic number 82 you to turn down the zero hypothesis.

Calculate the chi square p value Excel: Steps

Step 1: Calculate your expected value. The expected value in chi-square is found by dividing your counts (the number of responses or data items) by the number of categories. There are twelve categories (zodiac signs) in the question, then:
29 + 24 + 22 + 19 + 21 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 23 + 18 + twenty + 23 = 256
256 / 12= 21.333

Step 2: Blazon your data into columns in Excel. For this sample question, type your zodiac signs into column B, the observed values in column C (the observed values are the counts in the question) and your expected value (from Step ane) in column D.

Step 3: Click a blank cell anywhere on the worksheet and then click the "Insert Function" push on the toolbar.
chi square p value Excel

Step 4: Blazon "Chi" in the Search for a Role box and and so click "Get."

Stride 5: Select "CHITEST" from the list and then click "OK."

Pace 6: Blazon a range into the "Actual Range" box for your observed values. For this sample problem, the observed values are in cells C3 to C14, so type "C3:C14."

Pace 7: Blazon a range into the "Expected Range" box for your expected values. For this sample problem, the observed values are in cells D3 to D14, so blazon "D3:D14."

Stride eight: Click "OK" to summate the p-value in Excel, which for this example problem is .9265.

That'due south how to observe a chi square p value Excel!


Glen, S. (2014). Excel for Statistics: Pace past Step.


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