
Data In An Access Table Linked To An Excel Source File May Be Edited Using Which Process?

Yous probably arrived at this page because you are a business professional person who has to present regularly to management or executives on analysis you have washed in Excel. You don't desire to have to retype a table of numbers or recreate a graph in PowerPoint. Not only is that time you don't have, but it could lead to errors, which would be embarrassing. And so you want to link the table or graph in Excel to your PowerPoint slide. Then when the numbers alter next week or month, the PowerPoint slide tin can automatically update. (If your chart needs to employ unlike data each month or quarter, consider creating a chart with dynamic ranges using the method in this article).

Information technology sounds similar a neat programme. Except every slap-up idea does take potential downsides you need to know about. Here's what you lot need to consider earlier deciding to link a table or graph from Excel to PowerPoint:

  • Might the boss ask for a terminal minute update because new numbers are available? If so, your link may crusade y'all problems. If you don't take access to the source Excel file, because you are off-site or don't have a secure connection back to the server, you can't update the numbers for the dominate.
  • Will others demand to make updates to the table or graph in PowerPoint? If so, they may get frustrated when they get an error bulletin that the source file is not accessible. Linked data requires admission to the source file to make changes and if they don't have security permission to the file location, they are out of luck.
  • Does your organization care about branding? Most do, and they have a specific standard for the look of slides, including colors, fonts, etc. If yous link an Excel graph, it won't likely match that formatting, considering it will apply the default Microsoft Excel await. At present the presentation isn't consistent with brand standards. (Unless you brand your Excel file with the colors from the PowerPoint template as shown in this article and video)
  • Do you want the update of the table or graph to happen automatically? That is not possible. Linked tables or graphs demand manual intervention to exist updated. Some methods will pop up a Security warning message when the PowerPoint file is opened. If someone isn't scared that you lot have just given them a virus, they will read that clicking on the advisable button in the dialog box will update the data. Other linking methods require a click on an update push button for every table or graph. And if your file has a combination of these methods, you have to remember which is which for each slide.
  • Does the source Excel file change regularly? If many people tin can update the file, you may experience the information in your presentation changing unexpectedly when you update the links. If the file name changes each week or calendar month, the information never gets updated since the links signal to the original file name.

If you nevertheless desire to link the graph from Excel to the slide in PowerPoint, scroll down to see how to practise information technology.

If yous don't utilize linking, how tin can you hands update the graph in a presentation each time without a lot of extra piece of work? I suggest you consider creating the graph in PowerPoint with data copied from Excel. Gear up the data required for the graph in a gear up of Excel cells. When you create the graph in PowerPoint, use Paste Special – Values to copy the information from Excel. You can format your graph in PowerPoint and it will be compliant with your organization'southward branding standards. Because the data is in the PowerPoint file, you (or others) can update it at the last infinitesimal if needed. Scout this video to see how easy it is.

When using this method, how can you make certain the latest data is used for the graph? By using a consistent procedure that includes documentation. Follow the same procedure each month for copying the cells from the current version of the Excel file to the data table for the graph on the appropriate slides. Then, update either a text box on the slide or the Slide Notes with the date and fourth dimension of the update and the file name the data came from. That way, yous, or anyone else, will know where the data came from and when information technology was last updated.

If you are presenting fiscal information, this page gives practical advice to make an effective visual presentation. If you are part of a team who presents financial or operational data to direction and executives, my customized training delivers firsthand ROI. If you lot accept to communicate the results of analysis often, you can learn well-nigh many more ways to utilise Excel tables and graphs in PowerPoint with my ecourse Afterward the Analysis: Communicating results from Excel in PowerPoint.

If you lot want to link a graph from Excel to the PowerPoint slide, hither are ii methods to practice it. I volition depict each method, so show a tabular array that summarizes the differences. I'll finish with some recommendations of when each method should exist used.

Each method starts with you creating the graph in Excel first, because we volition be copying the graph created in Excel into the PowerPoint slide.

Method 1: Basic Paste

Subsequently you lot have created the graph in Excel, click on it and re-create it (press Ctrl+C or click the re-create button on the Habitation ribbon). Switch to your PowerPoint slide. Paste the graph on the slide past pressing Ctrl+V or clicking the Paste button on the Abode ribbon. You tin now edit the graph using the PowerPoint graph tools in the Graph ribbons (at that place are three ribbons on PowerPoint 2007 & 2010 and two ribbons in PowerPoint 2013 & 2016).

Method 2: Paste Link

When using this method, later on you create the graph in Excel, you must format it exactly how you want it to appear on your slide since y'all cannot format it in PowerPoint. Set all legends, labels, axes, gridlines, and other settings for the graph. When information technology is formatted, copy the graph. Switch to your PowerPoint slide. Click on the arrow below the Paste button on the Home ribbon and click on Paste Special. In the Paste Special dialog box, click the Paste link radio push button, select Excel Worksheet Object in the listing and click the OK push. The graph is now a drawing object in PowerPoint that can exist moved and proportionally size, but not edited.

Hither is a video that demonstrates these two methods.

Comparing the two methods

Basic Paste method Paste Link method
Graph must exist fully formatted in Excel before copying to PowerPoint? No Yes
Graph is inserted on the PowerPoint slide every bit Graph object Cartoon object
Tin can format the graph in PowerPoint Yep No
Can resize the graph in PowerPoint Yes, all directions Yes, only proportionally
Can breathing the graph in PowerPoint Yeah No
Notified of the linked file when the PowerPoint file is opened No Yes, via a Security Warning dialog box
Method of data update User must click on Refresh Data button on Graph Design ribbon User tin click button in Security Warning dialog box displayed when PowerPoint file is opened
Access to full worksheet in Excel (all tabs and data) Via Edit Information button on the Graph Design ribbon in PowerPoint Double click on cartoon object on PowerPoint slide
Access to data if source file not bachelor (ie. if PowerPoint file emailed to others) No No


In well-nigh situations, the Basic Paste method will work well. Information technology allows you to format and breathing the graph in PowerPoint, giving you better control of how you nowadays the graph. The disadvantage is that you must call back to manually click the Refresh Data button to go the latest updated data for the graph. If you lot need the updates to be more than automatic and don't demand the formatting or animation in PowerPoint, the Paste Link method would be a good choice because it allows for updating the data when the PowerPoint file is opened. The disadvantage is that the PowerPoint file opens with a Security Warning dialog box, which tin can be unsettling for others who receive the file by e-mail.

With both methods, you must be careful of who has admission to the source Excel file from the PowerPoint slide. Anyone who can access the Excel file can see all the tabs and data, including whatsoever confidential information. If this could be a concern, I suggest you create an Excel file that contains only the information for the graph and the graph itself, leaving the bulk of the information in some other Excel file that isn't linked to the PowerPoint file. Alternatively, you lot tin can break the links to the source Excel file before yous ship the file to others. In PowerPoint 2010 and above, in the Info department of the File ribbon, at that place is a button to Edit Links to Files. You lot can select the links and click the push button to interruption the links. This disables any hereafter updating of the data, just protects your data from being seen past others.

Want an in-depth e-course on using Excel data in PowerPoint? Check out my Afterward the Analysis: Communicating results from Excel in PowerPoint eastward-course


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